Anniversary of Loss: Ideas for Commemorating the Anniversary of a Loved One’s Passing

The anniversary of a loved one’s passing is a poignant time that often brings a mix of emotions, from sorrow and longing to fond memories and gratitude. Commemorating this day can help keep their memory alive and provide a sense of connection. At Rowley Funerals, we understand the significance of these anniversaries and offer compassionate support to help you honour your loved ones in meaningful ways. Here are some ideas for commemorating the anniversary of a loved one’s passing, including special gatherings, memorial events, and creating a memorial garden at home.

Special Gatherings

Family Reunions: Gathering family and friends can be a powerful way to remember and honour your loved one. Organise a reunion where everyone can share stories, look through photo albums, and reminisce about cherished memories. This collective remembrance can provide emotional support and strengthen familial bonds.

Memorial Services: Holding a memorial service on the anniversary can offer a formal opportunity to reflect and pay tribute. Include readings, music, and speeches that celebrate the life and legacy of your loved one. This service can be held at a significant location such as a family home, a favourite park, or a place of worship.

Picnics or Dinners: A more informal way to commemorate the anniversary is to organise a picnic or dinner. Choose a location that was meaningful to your loved one and serve their favourite foods. This can turn the day into a celebration of their life and the joy they brought to others.

Memorial Events

Charity Events: Hosting a charity event in your loved one’s name can be a fulfilling way to honour their legacy. Organise a fundraising walk, run, or another event to support a cause they cared about. This not only honours their memory but also makes a positive impact on the community.

Tree Planting: Planting a tree in memory of your loved one creates a living tribute that grows and flourishes over time. Choose a location that was significant to them, such as their garden, a local park, or another cherished spot. Watching the tree grow can bring comfort and a sense of ongoing connection.

Memorial Run or Walk: Organise a memorial run or walk to honour your loved one. This can be an annual event that raises awareness or funds for a cause that was important to them, while also bringing people together in remembrance.

Creating a Memorial Garden

Planning the Garden: Creating a memorial garden can be a beautiful and lasting way to remember a loved one. Start by selecting a tranquil spot in your yard or a community space where you can plant flowers, shrubs, and trees that remind you of them.

Plant Selection: Choose plants that were significant to your loved one or that have special meanings. For example, roses for love, forget-me-nots for remembrance, or their favourite flowers. Incorporate a variety of plants to ensure year-round beauty and interest.

Personal Touches: Add personal touches to the garden to make it uniquely theirs. This can include garden stones with engraved messages, wind chimes, or a bench where you can sit and reflect. Consider placing a small plaque or memorial stone with their name and a meaningful quote.

Maintenance and Care: Caring for the memorial garden can be a therapeutic activity. Spend time tending to the plants, weeding, and making seasonal updates. This ongoing care can provide a sense of purpose and a way to stay connected to your loved one.

Commemorating the anniversary of a loved one’s passing can be a deeply meaningful experience. Whether through special gatherings, memorial events, or creating a memorial garden, these acts of remembrance can bring comfort and help you feel connected to your loved one. At Rowley Funerals, we are here to support you in creating a tribute that reflects the unique and cherished memories of your loved one.


Navigating Childhood Grief: A Curated List of Books to Help Young Minds Understand Loss

The journey through grief is a path no one wishes to walk, especially for children who face the bewildering terrain of loss for the first time. At Rowley Funerals, we understand the profound impact the death of a loved one can have on a young soul. To aid in this delicate time, literature can serve as both a guide and a solace, providing a gentle means to explore and express feelings of sadness and confusion. This article offers a carefully selected list of books, each chosen for its ability to help children navigate the complex emotions associated with losing someone dear.

1. “The Heart and the Bottle” by Oliver Jeffers Oliver Jeffers tenderly explores the themes of love, loss, and the protective barriers we build around our hearts to avoid pain. Through its poignant narrative and illustrations, this book offers a gateway for children to understand the process of grief and the importance of keeping memories alive.

2. “Goodbye Mog” by Judith Kerr Judith Kerr’s beloved character Mog the cat takes her final journey, providing a gentle introduction to the concept of death for young readers. Kerr handles the subject with sensitivity and grace, making it an excellent tool for parents to discuss loss with their children, reassuring them of the continuing presence of loved ones in our memories.

3. “Michael Rosen’s Sad Book” by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Quentin Blake This powerful book delves into the depth of Michael Rosen’s sadness following the death of his son Eddie. Rosen’s honest and straightforward narrative, combined with Blake’s expressive illustrations, captures the essence of grief in a way that resonates with both children and adults, encouraging the expression of feelings often hard to articulate.

4. “Badger’s Parting Gifts” by Susan Varley Susan Varley’s classic tale addresses the impact of a loved one’s life through the gifts they leave behind. Badger’s friends remember him through the precious memories and lessons he imparted, teaching young readers about the positive legacy of those who have passed and the healing power of remembrance.

5. “Water Bugs and Dragonflies: Explaining Death to Young Children” by Doris Stickney Using the metaphor of water bugs’ transformation into dragonflies, this book offers a simple yet profound way to explain the concept of death to children. It’s a comforting narrative that helps demystify death, presenting it as a natural part of life and a transition to a beautiful state of being.

6. “Grandad’s Island” by Benji Davies With warmth and imagination, Benji Davies tells the story of a young boy and his grandad, exploring themes of loss and the eternal bond of love. The vibrant illustrations and adventurous tale provide a heartwarming approach to discussing the departure of a loved one with children.

The Role of Books in Grieving and Healing

Books like these serve multiple roles in a child’s grieving process. They act as mirrors reflecting the child’s own experiences, validating their feelings of sadness, confusion, or even anger. They also serve as windows into the experiences of others, showing that they are not alone in their feelings. Perhaps most importantly, they open doors to conversations about death and loss, topics often difficult to broach.

In choosing books to share with a grieving child, it’s essential to consider their age, maturity level, and the nature of their relationship with the deceased. Encourage children to express their thoughts and feelings after reading, whether through discussion, drawing, or other creative outlets, facilitating a healthy grieving process.


At Rowley Funerals, we recognise the crucial role that understanding and compassion play in supporting children through the loss of a loved one. By offering a handpicked selection of books, we aim to provide resources that comfort, enlighten, and encourage healing dialogue. Each story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, offering hope and understanding to young readers navigating through their grief. In sharing these narratives, we hope to not only ease the burden of loss but also to celebrate the enduring power of love and memory.

Healing Through Memory: Crafting Enduring Tributes to Cherished Ones

In the journey of grief, memories serve as a balm for the soul, a way to hold onto the essence of those we’ve lost. At Rowley Funerals, we understand the profound significance of commemorating loved ones in a manner that reflects their unique life and legacy. Creating lasting tributes is not only a pathway to healing but also a celebration of the impact they’ve had on our lives. This article explores the importance of such memorials and offers inspiration for those seeking to honour their loved ones in enduring ways.

The Importance of Tribute

For many, the act of creating a tribute can be a deeply cathartic process, providing a tangible connection to the loved one lost. It’s a way to express love, respect, and admiration, crystallising their memories into something that can be shared and appreciated by others. Tributes serve as a testament to the deceased’s influence, embodying their virtues, passions, and the indelible mark they’ve left on the world.

Personalised Memorials

The beauty of memorials lies in their versatility and personal nature. They can take various forms, each reflecting the unique personality, interests, and life story of the deceased. Here are a few ideas to inspire:

1. Memorial Gardens

A memorial garden, whether in a public space or a corner of your backyard, is a living tribute that grows and changes with time, much like our memories. Planting their favourite flowers, installing a bench with a commemorative plaque, or creating a stone pathway lined with meaningful quotes can transform a space into a serene spot for reflection and remembrance.

2. Commemorative Art

Art has a profound capacity to evoke emotion and commemorate life. Commissioning a piece of art—be it a sculpture, painting, or mural—that captures the essence of your loved one can be a beautiful way to keep their memory alive. This artwork can reside in a place of significance, offering a visual reminder of their spirit and presence.

3. Digital Tributes

In our digital age, creating a virtual space for memories offers a way to share the story of your loved one with a broader community. Online memorials, social media pages, or dedicated websites can host photos, stories, and messages, allowing friends and family from around the world to contribute and remember together.

4. Charitable Foundations

For those whose loved ones were passionate about a cause or charity, establishing a foundation or scholarship in their name can be a lasting legacy that impacts others positively. This type of tribute ensures their values and passions continue to make a difference in the world.

5. Personalised Keepsakes

Small, personalised items such as engraved jewellery, customised photo books, or even quilts made from their clothing can be comforting keepsakes for family and friends. These items serve as daily reminders of the love and connection shared.

The Healing Power of Remembrance

Engaging in the creation of these tributes can be a healing process in itself, providing an outlet for grief and a focus for the love that remains. At Rowley Funerals, we’ve seen firsthand how memorialising a loved one can bring comfort, offering a sense of continuity and connection that transcends death.


The process of crafting lasting tributes for loved ones is a deeply personal and meaningful journey. It allows us to encapsulate the essence of those we’ve lost in ways that resonate with their life story and our memories of them. At Rowley Funerals, we encourage individuals and families to explore these expressions of love and remembrance, finding solace in the knowledge that while our loved ones may be gone, their legacy lives on. In these acts of tribute, we find not only a path to healing but a celebration of life that endures beyond death.

Embracing Sustainability: The Rise of Eco Funerals with Rowley Funerals

At Rowley Funerals in Devonport, we recognise the growing importance of environmentally friendly choices in funeral services. Eco funerals are not just a trend; they represent a commitment to environmental stewardship even in times of grief.


  • What is an Eco Funeral?: An eco funeral focuses on minimising environmental impact. This involves considering every aspect of the funeral process, from the preparation of the deceased to the final disposition.
  • Sustainable Caskets: We offer a range of caskets made from sustainable materials, produced through environmentally friendly processes. These caskets are not only elegant but also leave a lighter footprint on the Earth.
  • Preparation and Embalming: Eco funerals often involve alternative methods for caring for the deceased. This ranges from full embalming using eco-friendly chemicals to opting for no embalming at all, depending on the family’s preference.
  • Reduced Travel and Venue Choices: Hosting the entire funeral at one location, such as our Anne Street Chapel, significantly reduces travel and carbon emissions. We support families in making these environmentally conscious decisions.
  • Burial or Cremation: Families can choose between traditional burial and cremation. We also offer information on natural burials, a practice that promotes the return of the body to the earth in a natural manner.
  • Personalisation and Respect for Nature: Eco funerals are not only about respecting the environment but also about personalising the farewell in a way that aligns with the deceased’s values and lifestyle.
  • Rowley Funerals’ Commitment: At Rowley Funerals, we are dedicated to providing families with sustainable funeral options. We guide and support families through each step, ensuring choices that reflect both respect for the deceased and the environment.


Choosing an eco funeral with Rowley Funerals, your trusted funeral directors in Devonport, means choosing a farewell that honours your loved one while also honouring the planet. We are here to help you make informed and meaningful choices during this significant time. For more information about eco funeral options visit

Trends in Funeral Services: Keeping Up with Changing Traditions

Funeral trends are ever-evolving. We are continually adding new values, as well as traditions and individual preferences, for how to best honour a loved one who has passed. With this in mind, the funeral industry has been willing to adapt to keep up with new trends. These adoptions will continue as funeral services try to support their customer’s individual preferences. 

Moving Away From Tradition 

Funeral services in Hauraki have been moving away from more formal and sad ceremonies towards more light-hearted celebrations of life, for many years now. This enables families to celebrate the life of their loved one, more joyfully and less formally. Hosting a celebration of remembrance as opposed to a traditional memorial service can better reflect the deceased’s personality, interests and passions. 

Despite this, whilst funeral services have developed in a distinctive Kiwi manner, the legal rules around burial and cremation were written around fifty years ago in 1968, and these have pretty much remained unchanged. 

Growing Trends in Funeral Services

Direct cremations paired with celebratory memorial services are becoming more popular as more people move away from traditional burial services. There has been a big boost in direct cremations in the most recent five years in particular. 

Whilst less traditional funerals have decreased in popularity, funeral homes are still encouraging families to host some type of service because these services can help with the grieving process. 

In our current day and age, there are a multitude of funeral options available. Unfortunately, despite there being a range of options available it is the lack of planning in advance which means that loved ones cannot afford the funeral they would have hoped for their deceased loved one. 

In New Zealand, only 5% of people pre-plan their funerals, compared to 15% in Australia. If Kiwis planned for their funeral the same way they planned to save for cars, weddings and retirement then this could solve many problems. 

As the Kiwi culture continues to diversify to reflect the change in society, so do our types of funeral services Here at Rowley Funerals, we offer a full range of funeral services in Hauraki for your consideration. We promise to work with you to create an experience tailored to your specific requirements. Get in touch with us today.

Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Funeral Director

There are many things that go on behind the scenes in the life of a Funeral Director to make sure everything is ready to go and runs smoothly on the day of the funeral.

A funeral director will assit friends and families in planning the funeral; this includes deciding on the time, date and location.

Once the funeral director has met with the loved ones of the deceased to find out what type of funeral they wish to have, the funeral director can begin co-ordinating the funeral arrangements. Usually, the funeral director will ask personal questions about the deceased to get to know their character so that they can be remembered in a meaningful manner on the day of the funeral.

Next, it is the responsibility of the funeral director to prepare the paperwork, and venue for the funeral, hire a celebrant or minister and order the coffin. A big part of a funeral director’s role includes dealing with coroners, filing death certificates, submitting death notices to newspapers, editing obituaries, putting together orders of service, organising services like flowers or transport and liaising with churches or crematoriums.

Most importantly, arrangements will be made for the collection and care of the deceased’s body until the day of the funeral.

The main duty of the funeral director is to care for the friends, family and colleagues of the deceased by offering support and a listening ear during this grieving time in the lead-up to the funeral.

Despite the funeral itself being the main focus of a funeral director’s job, a lot goes on beforehand to bring the ceremony together.

Looking for funeral directors in North Shore? Here at Rowley Funerals, we provide a wide range of funeral services in Auckland to help you create the perfect funeral ceremony for the deceased. Our team of highly experienced funeral directors are readily available to support and guide you through the funeral process, gladly at your side throughout it all. So, you can rest assured that we are always on hand to help you through this difficult time. Get in touch with us today.

The Role of Music in Funerals: Choosing the Perfect Melodies

Funerals are an opportunity to celebrate the life of your loved one. There are no set rules on what should and shouldn’t be done at a funeral, this is entirely up to you as the family or loved one of the deceased. Music plays a powerful role in a funeral service, with each song being able to reflect the life of the person who has passed away. This blog delves into the role of music in funerals and how it can be used.

Uplifting music can help set a positive tone

Using uplifting music will depend on the tone you wish to set for the service. In many cases, the use of uplifting music can help to encourage the service to be more of a celebration as opposed to a sorrowful day. By implementing uplifting music into the service, friends and family can feel comforted.

Choose the best songs to represent your loved one

It’s essential that you choose songs that would be meaningful to the person who has passed away. This could involve playing their favourite artist, or a song which holds significance to them. Some families opt to play a mix of genres and styles that reflect the diverse interests and personalities of their loved one who has passed away.

When should music be played at the funeral?

As mentioned earlier, there are no set rules for funerals, so music can be played at any time you feel suits. Most religious services will play music during incoming and outgoing processions. For non-religious services, people tend to opt to play music during the procession times.

Many people opt to play funeral songs in the background during the period of reflection or prayer, if you opt to do this you will need to carefully decide the right song for this moment. If you’re planning a slideshow to broadcast then you may want to select a few songs which would suit the theme of the images.

At Rowley Funerals we’ve got years of experience in providing a wide range of funerals in Auckland. No matter the type of funeral service that you would like for your loved one, you can rely on Rowley Funerals to be with you every step of the way. Get in touch with us today.

What to do after someone passes away: how to begin arranging the funeral?

Losing a loved one is a difficult experience and the process of arranging a funeral can feel overwhelming. This guide is here to help you navigate through this time with as much care as possible. Here are the steps on how we would suggest you begin arranging the funeral.

1) Notify authorities and family

The first step is often the most difficult: notifying the relevant authorities. If the person passed away at home or in a healthcare setting, contact the appropriate authorities such as the police, to officially document the death. You will then need to inform close family members and friends about the passing. This is usually done online to make the process as smooth as possible.

2) Choose a funeral home

Our advice is to do your research and choose a reputable funeral home that will help you with the arrangements.  Find someone who will guide you through the process, provide you with options, and handle the more difficult aspects of the funeral such as organising the service.

3) Take note of any funeral preferences

If you happen to know the person’s wishes or preferences, now is the time to discuss these, along with any special rituals they may have requested, or you believe they would like. Ultimately, it will be up to you to decide on cremation or burial, and whether the service is religious, memorial etc.

4) Notify others 

Now that things are in motion regarding the funeral, it might be a good time to begin notifying extended family members, colleagues, or anyone else about the passing and share details about the funeral service. Again, social media is often used for this purpose, but you could use an obituary or personal letters if you prefer.

5) Prepare donations, eulogies etc. 

This would be the stage where you would prepare an obituary or eulogy about the person’s life and accomplishments. You can decide whether you’d like flowers at the service or if you’d prefer to suggest charitable donations instead – perhaps to a cause the person cared about.

The final stage is preparing logistics and whether you’re having a reception after the funeral. Remember that arranging a funeral is a personal process and there is no right or wrong. Our directors for funerals in Auckland have many years of experience and will help you to find the balance whilst creating a meaningful send-off for your loved one.

Funeral etiquette: the dos and don’ts of attending a funeral

Funerals can cause a lot of mixed feelings. On the one hand, it’s sad to say goodbye to a friend or loved one, while at the same time you may find comfort in being with other people who knew them and having a chance to share your happy memories.

One aspect of funerals that isn’t discussed much is the stress that can be caused by not knowing how to behave during the ceremony. This particularly affects those who haven’t been to many funerals and may therefore be unsure of what’s expected of them.

If you’re planning to attend a funeral and you’re not certain of the etiquette, Rowley Funerals and our funeral home in Auckland can help. We’ve put together this list of dos and don’ts to follow when attending a funeral, so you can say goodbye without having to worry about inadvertently doing something inappropriate.

1) Don’t forget to let people know you’re attending

If you’ve been invited to a funeral and you’ve decided you want to be there, it’s really important to respond to that invitation. For health and safety reasons, some venues may have capacity limits, so showing up unannounced could cause problems. Also, it’s polite to let the family (or whoever is organising) know that you’ll be in attendance.

2) Don’t be late

It’s really important that you don’t arrive late, as not only will this be embarrassing for you, but many people will consider this disrespectful towards the deceased. Aim to arrive a short time before the service is due to begin, and leave yourself plenty of time to get there.

3) Do switch your phone off

Many of us carry our phones in our pockets all day, making it easy to forget it’s there. But the last thing you – and the other funeral attendees – want is for it to ring in the middle of the service. Switch it off or put it on silent mode before the funeral begins.

4) Do wear black

Unless you are told otherwise, black or other dark clothes are typically considered the most appropriate thing to wear to a funeral.

If you’ve found yourself with a funeral to plan and you’re searching for funeral homes in Auckland, Rowley Funerals are here for you. We know that organising a funeral can be a distressing time, so we’ll work with you to arrange the perfect send off for your loved one.

Step-by-step guide: Planning a Funeral

Planning a funeral can be an emotional and overwhelming process. However, with careful preparation and support, you can create a meaningful and personalized farewell for your loved one. In this step-by-step guide, we will outline the key stages involved in planning a funeral, helping you navigate this difficult time with compassion and respect.

1) Notify and gather support 

When a loved one passes away, begin by notifying immediate family members and close friends. Reach out to trusted individuals who can provide emotional support and assist you throughout the funeral planning process. Share the news with relevant parties, such as employers or organizations, to make necessary arrangements. Having a support system in place will help alleviate some of the burden and allow you to focus on the necessary tasks.

2) Choose a funeral home and director 

Select a reputable funeral home that aligns with your needs and values. Meet with the funeral director to discuss your preferences and gather information about available funeral services Auckland. They will guide you through the legal requirements, assist with paperwork, and offer advice on various funeral options, including burial or cremation, caskets, urns, and memorial services.

3) Determine the funeral type and logistics 

Decide on the type of funeral or memorial service you envision. Consider factors such as cultural or religious customs, personal preferences, and budget. Discuss the desired location, date, and time with the funeral home. Coordinate details such as transportation for the deceased, seating arrangements, audio-visual presentations, music, readings, and speakers.

4) Personalize the ceremony

Create a personalized ceremony that honours the life and memory of your loved one. Consider their hobbies, passions, and achievements when selecting readings, music, or rituals. Include eulogies or speeches from family members or close friends who can share heartfelt stories or memories. Display photographs, memorabilia, or a tribute table that represents their life journey. Personal touches can provide solace and help attendees celebrate and remember the unique individual your loved one was.

5) Communicate and invite attendees

Inform family, friends, colleagues, and community members about the funeral arrangements. Utilize various communication channels such as phone calls, emails, social media, or newspaper announcements. Include relevant details such as the date, time, location, and any specific requests or instructions. Consider creating an online obituary or memorial page where people can leave messages and share their condolences.